7 Qualities Every Leader of The Future Needs to Have

Source: Entrepreneur

7 Qualities Every Leader of The Future Needs to Have

Practice ego management. You need to manage the egos of team members by rewarding collaborative behavior.

Stress innovation. Encourage team-members to play to their own strengths so that the entire team and organization leads the competition.

Be ready for roles and responsibilities to change weekly, daily and even hourly. One of the big mistakes entrepreneurs make is they don't act quickly enough. Markets and needs change fast.

Temper confidence with compassion. If someone is not a good cultural fit or is not getting their job done, make the change quickly, but with sensitivity.

Invite employees to contribute. Successful cultures encourage their employees to keep refreshing their toolkits, keep flexible, keep their stakes in the stream.

Stay diverse. Entrepreneurs build teams. They don't fill positions. Cherry-picking candidates from name-brand universities will do nothing to further an organization.

Not everyone needs to be a superstar. Superstars don't pass the ball, they just shoot it. Spend time listening. Give them what they need to succeed.

Source: Entrepreneur